
Wednesday 2 May 2018

A place to begin...........

Well I had told myself that I was much much better and that the time was right to launch Creative Pathworking and get myself working again; promoting Writing for Wellbeing workshops, Coaching and hopefully also doing Oracle/Tarot readings alongside.

Sadly, as is often the case with people with conditions like Fibromyalgia, ME or Lupus, I went into boom and bust mode, pushed too far too soon and completely exhausted myself in the process also heightening my mental health issues.

And so this is where the blog comes in.  I am transferring the posts that I had made on my website here for the time-being and will be adding bits as and when able to keep a little bit of focus for myself.

Hopefully at some point in the future I will have remembered the rules of pacing myself, regained my confidence and addressed more of my anxiety and depression.  At that point I am aiming to begin again - just more slowly!!

Please bear with me during this process.

